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Stupids are bothering
Friday 27 January 2012 | 22:11 | 0 comments

Ohooo, kitorang ade blog batch, kau ade? -_____-
ohoo, semua orang dah maju en sekarang, haha,
Same here, we're all grown up, more open minded, and so on.
Tomorrow, i'm absolutely + totally going back to my Sepintar,
Meet my own batch, Juniors, Seniors, and Ruby 4 >_____<
I kinda miss all of them,
and hey, i miss my old friend too, I'm not that bad, Atok Sean :P
And hell yeah, people may mistaken me that i'm a gedik type of perempuan ,
so what?

Cant nobody hold us down, nothing's gonna take us down | -2ne1

Do i looks like i care?
Orang selalu cakap manusia yang minat Korea ni, gedik laa, apelaa,
"Eee, korea gay" "Korea bajet handsome"

Gay? They just love their friends, people. And not to mention, handsome? heaven to the world, yeah, they ARE handsome.

Obviously, you guys are jealous.

Honestly, i adore them because of their talent, not because of their face

Their talent of dancing, singing, I really do envy them. I've been trying all the dances and moves. i kinda got some of them but, the rest? - FAILED

like Scorpion dance? haha, big dream, ihave ==

Ahh, i felt awkward typing those words that i've wrote. *whined*

Dekat Twitter dengan Blog jelaa aku boleh cakap pasal Korea, Facebook? hampehh! Ohh, Iceberg, why u create comment box? ahh, dengan speaking yang entah ape-ape je, ade hati nak cakap dengan Iceberg. Lol kepade aku.

Kalau kat facebook, elok kene spam je, cett.