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< html>crushed.
Sunday 5 February 2012 | 23:58 | 0 comments

Due to some technical problems, we're be able to go home! Hurray man, i'm glad i can type again.
And yeah, just after being there for 6 days (maybe?) Alhamdulillah.
So, here a gift. I created it by myself. Using my half-idiot brain. Lol! Bahrain = brain? Duuh for me! Yesterday, there was a match between Malaysia and Bahrain. Unfortunely, i cant and dont watched them played. So un-lucky me! Ohh Nazmi Faiz, sorry,


And hey! thats me in that picture! hewhew -___- silly me :/ So, there is it, Done editing using photoshop and imageready! It was fun yet, exciting. The picture was kinda lame and messy but, I've tried, man. I'm still new to that kind of editing stuff >____<

So, you guys better enjoy yourself here ( if any )