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Monday 30 April 2012 | 10:45 | 0 comments


Hey, Its been a long time XD Know what? today is monday! Such a lame great opening. So, how's everybody? Doing good,huh?

Suspicious on how i can online and post something on Monday? Well, i'm extanding! I'm such a fantastic student. *fantastic your face* ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

Man, bored to death ==

 Err, can i insulting someone here? ek? i sounds so EVIL.
Hmm, Who cares anyway? I hate her, no, i hate them. Selfish. Hot tempered. They demanded us to respect them, whattaa? Even with my old sister, i just called her Tahi and whatsoever. Why so angry when we're not respecting you guys? What? Did we hurt your oh-so-lovely pride? Darn! Cant you feel other's feeling? my feeling? Even a suck girl sure do have a feeling. Even a SMELLY girl have a feeling. And, with food, you guys easily love someone? huh? Ha ha ha, wahh, YOU GUYS ARE SO HILARIOUS. I cant stop laughing.

Damn, today's such a wonderful day and i mixed it with my pathetic life. How awful.

And, please mark those things in you guys brain, guys. Look, why dont you guys respect us first? What to do? I hate them. I hate that places. BUT, somehow, thats maybe the best for me.

Ahh, i just need some patience, sincere, and i will make it till the very end :) Do pray for me that i wont hate them so much.

Kbai. Have a wonderful life, guys.

Assalamualaikum XD