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Kih kih kih XD
Friday 11 May 2012 | 03:14 | 0 comments

Assalamualaikum XD Hai.

So, how you guys doin? great? huahuahua >< I'm awkward.
I just want to share an oh-so-amazing-story to you guys ( if any )

Once upon a time,
 a teacher was frowning. and that teacher called her students 3B 3S 3L. Know whats the meaning of them? Hmm, Let me tell you guys,
3B is Bodoh, Babi, Bengap.
3S is Sial, Siod, Sengal.
3L is Lancau, Lemau,Lemah.

Hahaha, so funny la that teacher of mine. Why teacher? why? I've never met a teacher that act like you. NEVER. Those 9 words were so mean. And, how can you have the courage to push your own student's head? Ewww, You're no KEWL.

Look, even if you're so angry, dont ever say those words to your students. THAT WAS REALLY MEAN. Without students, TEACHER will never get paid. Huh, I lost my dense.

Arghhh, I want to move out from that school. That school is a trouble. And, I'm a Troublemaker.
Urhh, sucks.
Trouble + Troublemakers = Pwned.

And, when i want to ask a permission to go back to home, well, all boarding school must do that. and hell yeah, i ask a warden. WOMAN WARDEN. yeah, women are emo. including me? huahuhahua.

Me : Warden, saye nak mintak kebenaran balik.
Warden : Pergi mintak warden bertugas.

And, i sadly walked away from her haunted house and called that warden bertugas. And, when i called her, she said. " Maaflah, saye ada kat sekolah anak saye ni. kalau nak tandatangan jugak, awak kene tunggu saye laa, mungkin saye akan sampai aspuri pukul 7." Damned! 7? My mom will be coming here at any minutes! and, you ask me to wait you for hours?! Now is 5!

"Uhmm, baiklah cikgu." And i hung up that public phone. Out of blue, my name was called by that freaking intercom. " Perhatian kepada bla bla bla bla bla" I started to panicked. Damn! Who wouldnt be? How can i go home without a warden's sign? Urgghh, and, immediately, i went out with my bag and go straight to my mom's car.
I told my mom what happended. Sadly, i nearly cried. Pwned those warden. And, i told my mom just go to the Head Warden's home. i went out from that car. i knocked her house MANY TIMES.

Finally, his lovely son went out. And he asked me " nak tandatangan ke?" i just nodded. i handed in my card to him. He closed the door. And, shockedly, about five minutes, That kid opened the door again and handed me my card. I checked curiously. Hey! there's already a sign on it! Yeahh! No Explanation! " Terima kasih " is all i can say to that kid. He closed the door and i walked away to the car. i smiled to my mom and my mom drove away to get out from this fucking school. AND, I GAVE MY CARD TO THAT pak guard AND MY MOM DROVE AWAY.

And, i screamed in the car " YAY! AKU BEBAS! "

And, Physically, i'm here. in my house. but exam is next week, thats mean, i had to go back to that school on Sunday.