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Same title, different post.
Friday 10 August 2012 | 11:17 | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum. So, Again. How's everyone? Yeah, such a bored opening to attract people. FTW. As always, i'm going to release my tension with typing. And, to release those tense, i really need some people to _______.

Eventually,  before i went HOME, i was feeling awful yet kinda bad. A senior insulted me just because i dont ironed her baju kurung properly and neatly. Damn heel. What a bad luck.Whats her problem actually? I stayed up that night just because of her. This is what i get when i kindly ironed her baju kurung? Know what? She cried after the day i gave her the baju kurung. She told everybody that i'm suck, a bad junior. Hmm, what else? Damn, please be matured, senior. Youre the oldest in that Orange Jail. You should stop that childish act from now on if you dont want people to abhor you. Do not be flabbergasted when people started to ignore you and walk away from you;  Oh please senior, can you care others feeling? Stop being so selfish.

And you. stop acting like you're always the cool one. And yeah, you're so cool. Very cool. Even me can puke seeing you. You're so hilarious when you shhh-ed us loudly when i was talking with my friends. Ouhh, i love seniors. Ya Allah, please keeps me away from that kind of act. I dont want to be hated. Even with my juniors, im trying to do my best to be a good senior.  Talk with them. Sit with them. Eat with them. Sleep with them. Laugh with them. Not like you, seniors. You guys were so stubborn, arrogant, selfish, always judge people without knowing who they are. What a great seniors.  And urgh, with your annoying voice, stop your oh-not so awesome- fixation with someone. Its sick to be hear. Stop saying men's name and says Allah The Mighty's names more. Recite the holy Al Quran everyday. You'd reduce your annoying act that annoyed people. WHAT? Did you guys just think that i'm weak? Sorry, I'm not that weak to be exact. Its just you that think you're too awesome. Senior, there's a lot of people here and they have their own incredible talent. Singing, Dancing, and else.

And, Elexfifth. I hope we wouldnt act like that even if we're a senior. Do not think that you're old enough to bully juniors. Do not discredit the name of Elexfitfh. Fighting! I know we can do it. InsyaAllah, we'll get what we want. Wallahualam.