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As I.
Wednesday 19 December 2012 | 07:14 | 0 comments

Assalamualaikum. Well, as I promised.

Whoever you are, you know. As the reunion was happened yesterday. I swore, that was the most awkward moment I had since we were in Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanjung Malim. I wanted to started a conversation, but heck yeah, there's nothing came out from my mouth. Luckily, there's Huda beside me. Thank god, it became less- awkward. I talked to her and asked her like, "Hmm Huda, kau sekolah mana sekarang?" "Wahh, kau pakai tudung labuh wohh." "Kau sihat tak?" "Family kau sihat?" "Makin cantik oh kau." "Kau sibuk ke sekarang?"

Percaya atau tak, aku just interact with her most of the time I sat there. Hell yeah, its awkward. Even words cant described how awkward it was. Wafaa pulak, cakap dengan Hazmie, Syahmi, Aizad. Lagilaa, nasib baik pizza dah sampai. Ada lah jugak benda yang boleh buat aku bergerak instead of smiling, laughing, staring intensely. I grabbed the spoon, I dig in. I ate the mushroom room, eventhough I really hate it. Hmm, what to do. There's really nothing to do. Finished eating, stared again, laughed again, thats all. Well, perempuan duduk tengah. Haha, bising Gila PUSAT PIZZAHUT tu, kitaorang duduk center. Hell yeah, we're such attention seekers. Sebelah kanan aku, ada Syahmi. Kiri aku, Huda. Depan aku pulak Wafaa. Haha, seriously. Wafaa and Hazmie are such a cute couple.

Aizad pulak tak habis habis bahan aku. Tahi betul. Perangai dia tu, langsung tak berubah. Main main je kerja dia. Bila nak serius pun, taktaulah. Cet, nak pangkah aku konon. "Bagi Haida order, dia lapar tu." "Haida, kau famous doh kat sekolah aku." Bangang oh dia ni, ada ke dia pergi baca Surat Salam SBP aku tu kuat kuat? Kurang hasam.

Haha, teringat Salam SBP yang aku bagi, apa benda tah aku merepek kat dalam Surat tu. Haha, bosan sebenarnya. Jeles sebab orang lain semua tulis Salam SBP, aku pun belilah satu. Mahal Gila tautak satu! Padahal kertas warna warni yang di-print je pun, tupun RM 1! Haha, lepas tulis, hantar kat Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya sekolah aku. PUNYA LAH AKU MENYESAL TULIS. Haha, punyalah aku harap kertas tu tercicir ke, terkoyak ke. Rupanya sampai jugak. Haih, malang sungguh nasibku.

Lepas makan, kita orang terus bangun, bayar. Mahal oh, semuanya RM 160.50. Well, I gave Syahmi RM 20. Heck yeah, that was expensive! I just ate a triangle of pizza yet I need to pay more than RM 10?
But, I got my RM10 back. Duit yang Syahmi kumpul untuk bayar ada lebih. Heaven, I bought waffles with that money!  Eventhough the reunion was a little awkward, it went well. HAHA. Mende lah aku ni, condemn then compliment pulak.

Well, I was happy. I met my old friends. And, suara lelaki, kasar gila oh bila dengar. I was like, "Ohmai, who the heck are you? Y U NO SOFT A LITTLE? Y SO ROUGH?" haaha. What a joke. Well, I've got no picture to show you. Sadly I cant show you, the moments.
Hmm, I hope I can meet them again. Maybe next year? Oww, lama lagi! Kalau boleh, nak ajak semua Standard 6 two years ago. Aww, how I miss them.