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Monday 31 December 2012 | 10:03 | 0 comments
*LJOE's saying hye. Guys, say hye back!"

"In the Name of Allah, the most Beneficient, the Most Merciful"

Hmm, yes. Its 2013. I guess, bloggers are updating their blog right now. Yesh, you know, its like. "OMO, ITS A NEW YEAR. I HAVE TO POST SOMETHING FOR THE YEAR."
American once assumed 2012 will be the end of the world and what now? Its 2013. You're wrong, american. You even created a movie named '2012'. Well done, that creepy crap movie scared the hell out of me. But, thank you. You made me realised that life's short. I was increasing my knowledge and did good deeds. Hmmm

Hahaha. wow, thats serious up there. Hesy, i'm cool wasnt I?

This World is like a Shadow .. run after it and you will never catch it … turn your back against it and it has no choice but to follow You.

Hahaha, aww my Ljoe's running. Hmm, just to make some imaginations to the words i quote-ed. Lul, is that even a word? Yeah, i knew it. I once tried to escape from school but, just to think about it. I'd just make troubles and le friends will hate me to their bone. Well, my friends abhor bad people. They give stares that looks like "I will eat you up. Aummmm" Yesh, what friends were them?

Hmm, since i'm still a crybaby, I've never met a true friend. Yes, a true friend that accepts you just the way you are. Well, i'm still searching. Maybe i'm gonna get one when i'm a grannie? Maybeeeeeeeeeeee? o____o Look at Chunjoe, they're so close. Once a reporter asked Ljoe, "Hmm, between Ricky and Chunji?  Who do you like?" At first, i was like, MAN THIS REPORTER IS GAYYYY.

But, Ljoe. The kind-hearted person said "I dont know. I like both of them as a friend. I dont want to hurt any feelings so can i not answer this?" With his innocent yet smexy face, he smiled towards his friends, Teentop. "Oh okay. You're so loyal Ljoe-shi eventhough you kept nodding and looking at Chunji. HAHAHA" WHY THIS REPORTER. HAHA. HE'S SO TRUE. I WATCHED IT MYSELF. HE KEPT LOOKING AT CHUNJI AND SUDDENYLY CAME OUT WITH THAT COOL ANSWER. haha, Ljoe-ah, you got caught, you know.

Hmm, how i wish to have a friend just like le Ljoe. He's well-mannered. I guess his mom slapped his ass whenever he did wrong when he was a kid? HAHA, EVIL ME. Hmm, tomorrow is D-day. I'd be meeting my friends, my teachers, cats, and buildings. Hesy, so boring. I hope this year is my year. I'd shoot that STRAIGHT A'S and buy whatever i like as a reward. Well, my dad promised me just now. But, he told me to leave Kpop. WHAT. HOW THE HELL IM GOING TO LEAVE YOU, LJOE-AH?? NO NO.
But, in the end. He gave up and went to sleep. YES I WON, LJOE-AH.

I WON~ I'D BE ASKING MY DAD TO BUY ME AN IPAD RIGHT AWAY! hahaha. Silly me. Well, you know, school is starting. I should set my butt ready for this important year. Yes yes yes!


#MyWishIn2013 : A succesful beassketballer. Look! Teentop is clapping in a basketball's hall. Hmm, i can get Teentop clapping too if i'm a succesful basketballer, right? right? Well, you know, they're encouraging me to success by clapping in such an unique way.

#MyWishIn2013 : PMR IS NOTHING. See, even Ljoe's telling me to cut it off. Look at his hands, he's so sweet to do this for me. Lul, hahaha.

#MyWishIn2013 : STOP BEING SUCH A CRYBABY LIKE THIS NAMU. I'll never step down when my fake sisters at my dorm insult and condemn me. I'LL NOT SHED ANY SINGLE TEARS FROM MY PRECIOUS EYES.

#MyWishIn2013 : MORE SMILING AND LAUGH. Look, this yadong couple is so cute. Hahaha hell no theyre GAY. Well, This people are just too close to each other. So, Yadong came from hoYa and Dongwoo. They both are a rapper. And, this year, theyre releasing a new album named 'Fly High' as Infinite H. Hmmm I'm sorry, Hoya-ah, Dongwoo-ah, I cant fly. I'm heavy and i got no wings unlike you guys. You guys are angels. hahaha i'm lul-ing again.

#MyWishIn2013 : ACT AS IF I'M OKAY AND HAPPY. Just like this cutie pie Ljoe.


#MyWishIn2013 : I'm gonna troll everybody merciless. Muahahaaaa*evil laugh* AND DO THAT EXPRESSION OF NAMU'S  AND SMIRK JUST LIKE HOYA'S SMEXY SMIRK. KEHKEHKEH

Hmmm, i think. Thats all. I'm off. Buhbye. I got school today. Yes, now is 3:05AM and i'm still wide awake.