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confession of a fan
Friday 29 November 2013 | 08:51 | 0 comments
My sight blurs as lines of water hit my eyes as soon as I tilt my head upwards, obviously shows that it’s raining cats and dogs here. My legs themselves move directly into my room which takes 30 seconds if you tend to jay-walk to reach my room. Believe it or not, it’s real. Plus, it fits my mood perfectly today. Gloomy and cloudy, yes perfectly perfect. The word LJOE briefly comes into my mind. I had no idea why it happens tho. It has been bothering my mind a lot that I have almost thought of killing myself in my dream. What’s so special about him heh that makes me can’t stop thinking about him? I eat, I sit, I sleep, I listen, I write but everything is ruined by the figure of him that comes to mind every time I do everything. I almost give up doing everything. I thought I have gone crazy.

Yes. He’s handsome but please there are more men that’s more handsome than him but why him? Why? Why did my mind choose him over hundreds thousands men out there? I’m perplexed. I don’t know why but my heart will forever choose him. You know what? I tried to ignore his presence once but hell I failed. I terribly failed. Let me tell you; Kim Jongdae, Kim Sunggyu, Lee Dongwook, Ken, Jimin, Lee Seyong, Jung Daehyun, Peniel, Baro, Zico, Ahn Daniel , Kim Jonghyun, Lee Minhyuk and more. I failed. That’s profusely odd, seriously. What is it that Ljoe have to make me so into him?

To tell you more, he is short. He is skinny. He is stupid. He is arrogant. He is far from good but simultaneously he is great. See? I have told myself, whenever I tend to bad-mouth him, I would end up boasting him off instead. Seriously, what happened to me? Where’s the old me, the one that will never get attach to man?

After what seems like eternity, I manage to find the answers to all questions that I had in my mind. I find out that; the stupid acts that he shows all this time is the thing that I love about him. His dorkiness amazes me. Especially, his love towards his fans; angels. There was once Chunji said, “Aigoo Korean angels, I love you so much.” But then, Ljoe interrupted. “Yah stupid. It’s not just Korean angels; it’s for all angels all around the world pabo.” Chunji seemed startled. I guess, he felt guilty? “Ah yeah, angels all around the world, saranghae!” Ljoe’s lips curved upwards showed that he was satisfied with chunji’s answer. “Yeah, we love you angels!” Ljoe screamed.

What else that could be asked more if the person that you love, return your feelings even though it’s not the same love what other couple have. But, what’s the purpose of going to fan meets, concerts, live show and buying their album if I’m conscious that I would end up being treated as a shabby glass. Shiny in the inside but shabby at the outside. What’s the point of that? I’m perplexed, for about nth times. I’m always perplexed. Should I just give up showing my love towards him and toss it right into a drain? Who knows? Someone with big-hearted might catch it. Hmm, my delusional imagines, again. I have been tired with all of this. Let me emphasize it again, I’m fucking terribly freakishly exhausted ofwaiting. I know I’m selfish but what can I do? I just love him too much that I had once thought I would never be so successful in going through all of those hard times that I’ve been facing since I was such a plump, cute, fragile baby if the presence of his isn’t there from the start. Ironic, isn’t it? Well, listening to Kyo by 서른 번쯤, I just felt more weird.  You know what? Since I was in standard 6, I admired My Girl a lot. It’s a drama though. Seeing how Gongchan works hard to win Yoo Rin’s heart makes butterflies in my stomach go wilder. How determined he is to win the girl that he loved with all his heart even though he knows that his grandfather that he respects the most wouldn’t approve of their relationship. I guess, the grandfather hurts so much after knowing that he is lied by a stranger that suddenly comes to his life and poof, claiming that she’s his granddaughter. It must have hurted him a lot to be betrayed. Together going through all of the obstacles make them grow closer, especially Gongchan and Yoorin. Well, there’s something that I have learned from the drama though; when you were to lie, ignore what’s the real and keep on going till you get what you want even though it hurts. Wow, that just smacked me right on my forehead. To be honest, how can you lie about love? Loving someone might be wonderful but inside, it could be dangerous too. To feel how your heart flutters when you see someone? Isn’t that dangerous? How someone could make you change so drastically? Well, to me it’s dangerous…………yet wonderful.



And that’s what I have seen in Ljoe, Lee Byunghun. Being the first to know his existence in my school, I feel sort of relieve. Please, I don’t think I could live to the fullest if there is someone who knows him first introduce him to me. That would be so disappointing. To know someone wonderful, someone loyal, someone kind, someone dork, someone awesome, someone amazing, someone handsome, someone pretty, someone cute, someone does angst and someone everything that is worth to fight for.


Someone says, “Hey, face the reality even though it hurts.” I know. I knew it from the started that I would be this broken-hearted over this guy. Age difference? Well, you might as well add that, haters. But, look. Love has no age. It’s still valid for a guy in 54 age to marry a woman in 25 age. What to brag all about? Its love we’re talking about here. What to fuss all about?  Country difference? Have you ever heard of miles love?  Have you? I guess you haven’t. And no matter how old I get, no matter how miles I get to meet him, he will always be my favorite.



I love my friends to death but none of them are into kpop the way I am. I’ve never met anyone who is; expect the fans whom I met on fan pages. If so many people can be as obsessive as I am, it gives me a lot of hope that one day I will find an amazing friend who can obsess with me. That would be wonderful. And not just sit there and have no clue what I’m talking about when I tell them about ljoe’s dorkiness or just call me silly whenever I cry every time I see how ljoe works hard to get his fans love, to be successful . I can’t wait to meet a friend who will understand.



To be frank, I actually have those types of friend in my school. It’s just that… they piss me of. They always try to cut me off whenever I want to talk about the person I love which is ljoe then I had to make my ears all available for them to boast about their bias. Their fucking bias. However, I manage to form a fake smile and they had taken in by all my lies. Plus, when I’m in the urge to show them my albums that I have bought, why can’t they be more careful? Look, I don’t even make a scratch, stain or more specifically, dust. I take care of them but then, poof. Once I show them the albums, they make fun of it. As if I was joking about the fact that I take care of the albums as if it’s a baby.  Who wouldn’t? My penny was all gone whenever I buy those albums. At least, show some respect and take care of the albums just like how the way I take care of them.  That would make me scream in delight even the slightest bit. Well, taking care of their feelings well, I shrug it all off. Some would just tell me just to keep my mouth shut to hear all of their stories. To be more frank, I’m hurt. Terribly hurt.


Not to forget about haters too. Saying how delusional we are to imagine our loved get married to us. Well, is it really that wrong to fake our sadness; as we all perceive that our bias wouldn’t get married to us, even them knowing us is such a hard dream for us to achieve. Hahahahahaha. That’s profusely hilarious, seriously.



Let me pen off here. I’m tired of loving, I’m tired of faking, I’m tired of hiding and mostly, I’m tired with everything.





                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The most unlucky,