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is this magic
Friday 29 November 2013 | 08:54 | 0 comments
Somehow I cross my heart I’ve counted for the countless time trying to put his existence out of my freakishly mind but then, it is me whom terribly fail. It’s humiliating. Call me lame but its saddening to leave this school for this year, knowing that he will be no longer studying in this school for the next year. Am I a little bit exaggerating? Fuck I don’t care. He’s not that handsome though, plus, he’s short and hahahaha for your information, I have once passed by him, flabbergasted with his unexpected height, I bursted out laughing like a sick cow. Believe it or not, he looked at me with an expression clearly saying that he thought I’m an odd freaking girl whom suddenly bursted out laughing without any apparent reasons. Thoroughly, I can’t stop chuckling while rolling like a buffalo remembering those moments. That was just too hilarious or, maybe not? Fuck I don’t care. At first, I was in the state of perplexity about my feelings towards him. Indeed, someone told me “I guess you’re having period everyday huh? Your mood is changing as fuck.” Sorry guys, I was bewildered back then.

Blame him for having the same personalities with the guy I profusely admire which is Ljoe. Kkkk you seriously wouldn’t want to know how much I love that Korean guy. Lol. Well, Ljoe’s one short dwarf guy. Lol. Lol why can’t I stop giggling?

Usually, when the time comes for us to hear tazkirah after performing our salaah, I just can’t stop this heart of mine to stop fluttering. If only I could stop this butterflies-in-my-stomach feeling. I just can’t stop taking a look at him. I tried hard to restrain my eyes from looking at him but then, only to find my doe eyes searching for his figure. Some tell me that he’s been looking at me for the past days and hahahahahaha lol this is so embarrassing. Fuck I don’t care anymore.

However, I manage to clear out everything when that bitch-like friend told me once “Aqil, someone you like involved in an accident. A terrible accident that I’m sure you yourself wouldn’t want to know what it is.” Being the stupid girl I am, I trusted that fucking bitch words. Damn. Back then, I was worried sick that I couldn’t stop thinking about him whenever I have time to use my brain for thinking. Let you roll like a buffalo when that friend suddenly told me after three days or maybe more? Hmm whatever. She told me “Aqil, You got it bad bro. You should’ve seen your sinister witch-like face when I told you that your little crush was involved in an accident. You got it bad bro. You like him. Oh my god.” And she laughed. SHE FREAKING LAUGHED. Please, let me kick her ass again. Lol seriously I would never fail to remember that words. God I wish I could’ve killed her back then.

Since then, I’m conscious about the fact that I may like him.