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a fucked up life as a fan
Monday 30 December 2013 | 04:57 | 0 comments
Knowing kpop is probably the worst decision i have ever made since i existed in this cruel world. Everything in this world is so biased and it hurts to the extent that these kinds of biased things hurt us, fans. Not as the fans that help people feel cold when they are hot, but as the fans that like someone that is so far away. Thats the worst for being an international fan. "oppa will not recognize you in the sea of fans" ouch this saying is so deep. To be honest, it even hurts to see us having a fanwar, fighting with each other where we should be supporting each other, not fighting. It pains to see us being like that especially when it comes to voting our bias's group. Thats the hardest part in being a fan. Maybe to some fans, its like us clicking the 'like' button but no. To me, every single votes that fans vote are important. But on the date 29 Disember 2013, S fucking B S ruined everything. I was so speechless that i got all mad towards people who didnt even do something bad to me. 

Basically, SBS thought exo will win based on the poll that sbs has given for the fans to vote who will get to perform a special stage but at the end, infinite was the one who won. Then sbs was so fucked up that they asked infinite to practice hard so the special stage will be perfect as fuck but infinite took a long time practicing. SBS who was so fucked up shrugged infinite off and kept on going about the plan to let exo perform because they have asked exo to practice. They assumed exo will win the poll but fuck it was infinite. Fucking setupideu sbs so fucked up in arranging their program. As an inspirit, i was hurt. Fucking hurt because those who i like didnt get the special stage and more, they didnt get a fitting room and they have to change clothes in bathroom. What fucks more is that, they still smile no matter what happened. Thats the worst. Seeing them hiding pains behind their smiles. 

And last night, exo stans and inspirits were having a fanwar. THEY WERE DOING THE THING THAT I HATE MOST WHICH IS FANWAR. Because of what? Because some of us, inspirits got so mad that they blamed exo instead of sbs who was so fucked up. Not that i hate exo, its just that i cant stand seeing everyone thinks so highly of them. Because of you guys who think so highly over them, sm entertainment tortures them even more bcs of what? that fucking sm only thinks of money. 

im sure you guys know what that feeling is to see someone looks down on your bias, dont you? it hurts. because that was what i felt when i knew about sbs being so fucked up. just why cant some exo stans understand us? immature fans? ha ha im tired seeing this excuse shows up everytime an exo stan does something that almost make every fandoms feel so butthurt. 

Cant you stand seeing our bias gets bashed? Really? Dare yourself to restrain yourself after you see a fan insults your bias bcs that fan hates your bias. Let me assure you, you cant. im sure you would be feeling as overprotective as fuck. Thats how we felt. Not only last night, but every previous days have been a fucking day whenever we see a fan talking shits about our bias. And what im pissed most about is, most of them are exo stans. I just dont get it. Im fucking curious: where were exo stans who always talk shit about someone else go when exo still hasnt existed? where were you? 

ugh im sorry if this post makes any of you feel butthurt but this is how i fucking feel every, pls no more fanwars