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Story telling.
Friday 2 November 2012 | 08:51 | 0 comments

#Currently in SBPI Rawang.

I kept my eyes to the window, pretening not to notice that the woman with the Iphone had turned away and was murmuring something to the woman beside her, wh had been sitting on the chair whil digging in her bag. More heads were turning around, as words spread to the front rows. They were all looking at me, talking about me.

            I ignored the commotion to my right, where the women were talking to someone else, their heads together. I held my bag closer, hugging it protectively, as people in the seats twisted around to get a look at me. I felt surrounded by shuftling, murmuring and rustling, but nobody said anything to me.
            People would ignored me and avoided me until I became INVISIBLE, someone they talked about, but no to.

And now i understand, how Aina Najihah Anum felt. She must been hurted.

People talked bad about her. Yeah, she's awesome. She's strong. Somehow, I wonder. How can she be so strong? Fighted all of those things that had hurted her. If I was her, I cant. I'd move out from that fucking stupid jail. Being alone, dont she felt lonely? Down? Even a little tired?

People'd pushed her when she was walking. Alone. Damn you people. Are you people even a human? Insulting her. I've seen her, crying under her desk. People, please. Wake yourself up.  Maybe she's not like you people, but she's a human. A human being. She's breathing. And,  Allah, The most Mercy invented her with a complete limb. Alhamdulillah. But, why you people, insulting her, saying that she's ugly and was not supposed to be in this school? Why? why? How can you guys have the heart to hurt her? She's innocence. Believe me.

Maybe, I was wrong. You guys are always right. No one can stands and speaks.

Nur Nazihah Hazizi. Yeah, you. STOP YOUR ANNOYING ACTS. I hated it. If people're trying to advise you, try to open-up. NOT TALKING BACK OR BAKSTABBING. And, stop hating Ustaz Sahal. Its not that i like him, its just that....... he's my teacher. He's an ustaz. How dare you rolled your oh-so-lovely eyes when Ustaz wanted you to answer his questions? Hating can sustaining your life? No, peculiarly not. And, stop rolling your eyes. Its not even pretty. Its annoying. Honestly. And, Jangan perasan sangat. I mean like, you thought, all men in that school like you? Hey, with that annoying acts of yours, are there men that will like you? I dont think so.

Its evening. We're in the basket's court. Me and Safiera said that to you so that you'd not hurt other people. Yes, kau semangat. Aku tahu.  But, careful. Running without a break can hurt people. On that day, I saw  you was rolling you eyes as me and Safiera told you to slow down. Again. Hey woman, stop doing that. I'm sick of it.